Who are Skyler Ray & Kala Mulcahy?
My name is Skyler Ray and I am an addict and artist in long term Recovery and I have made it my mission to use my platform to teach recovery through my music and personal story. I grew up in foster homes and at 18 years old found myself homeless in the doorways with a needle in my arm. I spent over 5 years incarcerated. It seemed like my life was going nowhere and that I was alone, trapped in my addiction. When I finally started to get some clean time I began to realize that I wasn’t alone and that I had more in common with other addicts than I knew.
It can be scary being vulnerable, and sometimes embarrassing to say our dreams out loud, but I am here to show people through my music and actions that it is okay to dream, to be vulnerable, to be scared, to not have all the answers, and that our past does not define us. I will be a voice to guide a generation of addicts with my music and my story.
I am joined by my partner, Kala Mulcahy, she is an ally in recovery and my business partner. She helps me spread the word of recovery with her voice and talent, as well as her ability to assist in the success of our planning and execution. Together, anything is possible!
What is the Road to Recovery Tour?
The Road to Recovery Tour as we have known it was born in 2022. Since then we have completed three successful years of touring and are about to begin our fourth! Our first year began by touring 32 treatment centers and gave us the opportunity to meet and speak with hundreds of addicts. Kala and myself drove from treatment center to treatment center, performing for all those that would have us, and spreading a message of hope. At each location we spend two hours sharing our music and speaking about my journey in recovery. Each session concludes with every person in attendance receiving a free package, including free merchandise, albums, posters, and personal contact information for us in the event that they might wish to reach out for help or conversation. I have spoken to many that we met last over the years, and some even regularly. We hope to expand our impact even more this year and into the future. For each center we bring our own equipment and music, as well as merchandise to give away to every addict in attendance. It is incredibly important to us that those in recovery understand how important they are, feel loved, and know they have a place to go for inspiration and acceptance.
Our Mission.
“Bringing recovery focused musical events and mentoring to those struggling with addiction or currently in recovery, as well as their loved ones and children, in order to support the journey to wellness and health for the whole family”
The Road to Recovery Tour is our continued journey to inspire others in recovery, break the stigma, and show by example that recovery comes in any and every way and shape possible.
Road to Recovery Playlist
Road to Recovery Playlist
Listen Hold Me Down
Listen Heartbeat
Listen Walk on Water
How can you support?
Thank you for your consideration! Team work makes the dream work! We couldn’t do it without the support of people like you! Every item is designed by Kala and our merchandise is pressed in house. We are a small business and recovery is our mission! 100% of the profits from your purchase of our Tour Merchandise goes toward the operation of our Road to Recovery Tour. If you would prefer to do donate through our our website instead, click the box below.
Click here to check out our “Road to Recovery Playlist” on Spotify!
Every year we make custom merch for our Road to Recovery Tour and this year will be no different! We will be announcing our new design in April!
Until Then please check out our selection of Recovery Gear
Love to see us at your treatment center?
We would love to see you! Please write us an email at the address listed and we will get back to you as soon as possible! Although much of our merchandise is already ordered and finalized, we are always happy to add treatment centers to the calendar if we have the time available.
What previous treatment centers have said about us.
a word about our sponsors
4D has been an instrumental part of our journey with the Road to Recovery Tour and is one of our biggest sponsors! 4D is a non-profit, drop-in center with resources for those in recovery. If you would like to get to know them a little better and find out about all the amazing things they do — click the link below!